ucoinpy : A python implementation of uCoin API

ucoinpy is a library to develop an application for uCoin. ucoinpy helps to handle the following problem :

  • Request Basic Merkle API provided by uCoin nodes
  • Request nodes in a non-blocking way
  • Handle uCoin signing keys

Library Installation

$ pip install ucoinpy

Getting Started

Client example:

import asyncio
import aiohttp
import ucoinpy

# Get the information /node/summary from the given node :
def getSummaryInfo():
    # You can either use a complete defined endpoint : [NAME_OF_THE_API] [DOMAIN] [IPv4] [IPv6] [PORT]
    # or the simple definition : [NAME_OF_THE_API] [DOMAIN] [PORT]
    myEndpoint = "BASIC_MERKLED_API metab.ucoin.io 9201"

    # Here we request for the path /node/ "summary" through the "Basic Merkled API"
    summaryInfo = yield from Summary(Endpoint.from_inline(myEndpoint).conn_handler()).get()


# Latest uCoin-Python-API is asynchronous and you have to use asyncio, an asyncio loop and a "yield from" on the data.
# ( https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio.html )

Source code

Travis - Build's status of the project.

Sources can be found at https://github.com/ucoin-io/ucoin-python-api

Contributions are welcome.

Indices and tables